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We fly both forwards and backwards...

Working with flexibility and adaptability to respond to changes and discovery during the project.

The cinc System

Service Design
projects have 3 phases

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Researching & mapping all relevant information


Collecting data, interviews, surveys, & observation. Bringing everything out on the table in order viasualize and map it.



Extracting insight from the information collected

Making sense of things, and interpreting what we are learning, to know what we are dealing with. Defining problems and opportunities. 

Tracing the path to action & Designing the Stategy

Finding solutions to problems, and ways to take on opportunities. Defining what the service must look and feel like tangibly and intangibly.

The Output

The Service Design  

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The Output:

Strategy Guide

This will be your business's
North Star

your instruction book
your bible

your game plan...


  • Insights

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Data

  • Statistics and Charts

  • Maps and Diagrams

  • Direct Quotes and Interpretations

  • Problem Outlines

  • Opportunity Areas

  • Recommendations

  • Actionable items

  • Paths of Action

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What about implementation?

We offer an additional phase 
to work the essential areas
of strategy execution with you

Action; implementing the recommendations.

Bringing the ideas and solutions to life. Making tangible changes and putting them into place and practice.

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