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Splash Fluid
User Perception

Understanding the emotional state of customers and employees and how it impacts the service experience. The MOOD can be influenced by various factors, such as the physical environment, interactions with staff, and the overall atmosphere of the service. We also understand what they perceive as valuable, and as downsides in the service experience.



Nature Architecture
Ecosystem Map

Visual representations of the interconnections between different stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, partners, and regulatory bodies, etc. The maps can be simple diagrams or complex network visualizations, depending on the complexity of the service ecosystem. They help us understand the broader context in which a service operates, and to identify opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

Light Show

Fictional characters that serve as archetypes to represent target audiences. They are used to understand the needs, goals, and motivations of customers. They consider factors such as demographics, behavior patterns, and pain points. They are created based on customer research and data analysis, but they aren't statistically correct, they are more pragmatic. They are about empathizing, not showing a mathematical truth. Since they are based on qualitative data, segmentation is partially subjective. There's no right way of sorting the data we collect, but we intend to sort it in the way that makes the most sense to us, considering what we're striving for.


Blue Curved Shape
Customer Journey

Mapping the complete experience that a customer has with a company, from their initial awareness of the service, through their interactions with it, and beyond. We aim to create a positive and seamless journey by understanding the customer’s needs, motivations, and pain points during each step of the way, and then designing touchpoints that address these.

Blue Glass Spikes
Service Blueprint

A visual representation of the customer journey and the underlying service delivery system. It consists of several layers that help to describe the customer experience and the underlying infrastructure, backstage actions, and processes.

Blue Metallic Craters
Value Proposition

What clearly communicates the unique benefits that our service offers to its target customer. It is the reason why a customer should choose our service over others.

Arch and Spheres

Help us set a clear direction for the organization. Having well-defined goals can help to improve focus, alignment, and accountability, and ultimately lead to better business outcomes. It keeps our efforts on track.


Colorful Wavy Lines

Ensure that the design of a service is aligned with the company's purpose and culture. Company values are the principles and beliefs that the company stands for and they help to shape the customer experience.

Liquid Gel
Experience Principles

Guidelines that act as a framework for how the service experience from our company must always feel. The principles are like pillars, for example: accesibility, personalization, convenience, emotional connection... and they must be present through all angles of the service.



Inisights are key learnings generated from data analyzed. They are are deep understandings of information, that go beyond the obvious. They help us communicate and summarize our most importand findings, and guide our path in the next stage.

Crumpled Fabric
Spiral Staircase
Problem Map

Used to categorize, understand and visualise all issues in order to identify potential solutions in an organized manner.

Green Slime
Opportunity Map

Identify areas of innovation and improvement in the service offerings, to increase customer satisfaction, and achieve competitive advantage.

Water Purification Treatment
SWOT Analysis

A strategic planning tool that is used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, obstacles, and threats (SWOT) of a service. It can be used to understand the competitive position of a service and to identify areas for improvement.

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